The Olive Branch

I hoped someone would give me a fancy name, like the Letterman Jacket and Motor Cross jackets, for this Olive jacket. I guess it's just a plain jacket with a cape. lol. I've been putting it to good use lately. I wore it with a geometric top and leggings.

This was an after work out fit I wore to do some miscellaneous stuff. I'm having an extended weekend because of the end of Ramadan festivities going on in the country. That means I'm not going to work today and tomorrow. I've not decided what I'd do with the day.

M.F.L Jacket / unknown brand top / unknown brand leggings / random flats

 I received the Liebster Award from Girly of  Girly's World recently and I've been trying to organize a post on it. I 'll post something on it soon.


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