I'm loving being at home. One of my favourite things to do is browse properties on the internet because I literally cannot wait to live in London. I have a place in LA now and I'll be going back there in Jan but at some point next year I am making London my home again.
I missed my friends so much whilst I've been away and my birthday was the first time we'd all been in the same place at the same time. I picked a cosy pub called The Lansdowne for my birthday festivities. It was freezing outside but the fire and the champagne kept us all warm.
My Zahra. Looking very French. I love the beret and red lips.
Gil. One of three Goldberg boys. I have the best one but the other two aint bad. Gil is working the Gangster look here.
I'm SO excited by the cake. Clapping my hands and all sorts.
My Daren aka Kevin Morosky. My mum calls him her second son. Read his blog here. He takes great pictures on a disposable camera.
At some point in the evening I decided I actually wanted to BE Daren. I took his glasses, his hat and his camera. I found myself HILARIOUS. Everybody else did not.
Cyrena from Garbelle. She made me a gorgeous jacket for my birthday. It's so perfect. Hand made presents rock.
Gemma. She is rocking the bad ass pocahontas look and KILLING it!
Jenni and Stepford. Stepford is called Stepford because she IS a Stepford wife. She bakes whilst wearing a frilly apron and red lipstick. She's my Idol. Jenni is all kinds of awesome :)
Ithai. Another Goldberg boy. I think he wanted to be Daren too.
One of the first things I did when I got to London was take my fur out of storage. I love this coat so much. It cost me 40 pounds from Portobello Market and it's seen me through many winters. (um why is there no pound sign on this computer!?!) I have no idea what fur it is or if it's even real fur. It has been the subject of many a debate. It's super rough and moults like a mutha f**ker... but I love it.
Oscar and I have spent our days hibernating. He takes it very seriously....
He'll even squeeze into a bag if needs be.
I might send that picture to American Apparel. He could easily be a model for them.
This is pretty much my favourite outfit to wear at the moment. A look I like to call: 'Crazy Theatre Dame Chic'.
Kimono: vintage. Leggings and hat: American Apparel. Butterfly vest: TopShop. Leopard scarf (used as belt): H&M.
My darling boy surprised me and bought me the gorgeous heart ring in the above picture. I lusted after it whilst I was in NY. It's an antique from 1880. I adore old rings, actually I adore most old jewellery. This ring made me yearn for it. I went back into the shop so many times and then one day it wasn't there! I was so heart broken.... and then months later my boy gave it to me for my birthday. I have no idea how he managed to keep it a secret for all that time but I'm glad he did.
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